
Thursday, November 8, 2012

My first ultrasound for our 3rd baby

Im 6 weeks now. And im so excited to see the baby in my ultrasound. And also the much awaited is the see the heartbeat to be sure that nothings wrong with the baby.
Ive been on bed rest for 1.5 days. Not so bed rest,its more of sitting down and slowing down things the whole day.
2days ago i felt this heaviness in my back then when i went to the restroom to go for a pee i found out I had some spotting. Just before that I can feel some heaviness in my back ,same feeling when i usually have my period. Then i just have to recall what i did for the day.
One of my own recall i remember that I was at the peak of my voice and really mad with ny staff after telling them things to do and not to do. So i call it stress? And also carrying my shoulder bag that maybe also trigger to the spotting. My bags weight is like carrying a hand carry with load of stuff. Well simply because all the house keys and work keys are there. Moreso i have 1 eyeglass with a heavy case and also shades too and pair it up with really heavy wallets and loads of discount cards etc.
So now im slowing down things and making my day lighter with less stress. Now it proves me that stress really affects safety of the baby.
I also thank God for keeping me safe and let the spotting slow down . Thank you God.
Thank yu to my hubby who did extra effort to take care of me also my best friend joanna for always sending me yummy food!! So ill have a good appetite to eat. Another discoveries prove me right is. If you want to eat healthy and dont get big. Better to eat home cooked food. Proven!! I feel light and healthy after the 2days i stayed at home.
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My 1st ultrasound for my 3rd baby

This is the day! Im 6weeks now. This pregnancy is not as easy as the other 2pregnancies u have. But i put my trust in God and praying for Gods intervention to keep the baby healthy and normal and smooth pregnancy.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.9
Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.9
Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.9
Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.9